青幻舎 / 2014年6月10日 / 64ページ / 37点 / 284×218×10mm / 3,500円+税 / ISBN978-4-86152-447-9 / 装丁 : 須山悠里 / 編集 : 新庄清二 ( 青幻舎 )
The face of the ocean when perceived from a distant, commanding viewpoint is not familiar; it gives off a sense of otherness like something completely different. There is yet to be any confirmation of other oceans existing in this galaxy other than the planet we live on. These photos capture the moment of an act that has taken place without pause since the primordial days of this planet's origin - portraits that will reaffirm the identity of planet Earth. This is a collection that takes an entirely different approach towards the universal, almost classic theme of the sea.
SEIGENSHA Art Publishing, Inc. / 2014 06 10 / 64pages / 37photographs / 284x218x10mm / ¥3,500+tax / ISBN978-4-86152-447-9 / Binding : Yuri Suyama / Editor : Seiji Shinjo ( SEIGENSHA Art Publishing, Inc. )