MT Gallery
A decade ago I started Ugmonk as a side project to design a few high-quality tees that I personally wanted. A lot has changed since then, but our core mission hasn’t. Maybe better viewed as a renewed Ugmonk, the New Ugmonk raises the bar on quality, experience, and aesthetic — a matured vision for creating and curating beautiful, functional products.
Mikiya Takimoto
Photographer Cinematographer / Born in Aichi Prefecture in 1974. Apprenticed to Tamotsu Fujii in '94. Went independent in '98 and founded the Mikiya Takimoto Photograph Office. Active in a wide variety of fields spanning everything from advertising photography, graphic art and editorial work to personal creative endeavors, commercial films, and cinema. Major photo collections include LAND SPACE (’13), SIGHTSEEING (’07), BAUHAUS DESSAU ∴ MIKIYA TAKIMOTO (’05), CROSSOVER (’18). Also began filming movies in ’12. Debut film "Like Father, Like Son / Soshite Chichininaru"( directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda ) won the Jury Award at the 66th Cannes Film Festival’s Competition Category. Received Best Cinematography Award at the 39th Japan Academy Awards for "Our Little Sister" in ’15. "The Third Murder / Sandome no Satsujin" plays In Competition at the 74th Venice International Film Festival. Has also won many other commendations such as Tokyo Art Directors Club ADC Awards, New York ADC Annual Awards Winners GOLD, Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity GOLD, ACC Commercial Festival Grand Prize, Asahi Advertising Award Grand Prize, Nikkei Advertising Awards Grand Prize, New York CLIO AWARDS GOLD、and London D&AD Professional Awards YELLOW PENCIL.
Mikiya Takimoto entered the world of photography in 1991 at the age of 16. In ’92 he moved to Tokyo and worked at a studio before beginning a four-year apprenticeship under Tamotsu Fujii in ’94. Mikiya Takimoto went independent in ’98 at the age of 23. All of his work evinces a stance of confronting the realm of photography as something that remains unchanged from the past to the present. In his collection “BAUHAUS DESSAU ∴ MIKIYA TAKIMOTO” (PIE BOOKS), Mikiya Takimoto offers a unique perspective of the abstract art born of Bauhaus Dessau, the famed German art and design school known as the source of contemporary design. His lifework, “SIGHTSEEING” (Little more), is a photo collection in which he traveled to all seven continents, focusing on sightseeing destinations and the people who flock to them, revealing a cynical take on the unreality of “real” tourism and bringing to mind the warped nature of modern society. In “LAND SPACE” (SEIGENSHA) Mikiya Takimoto turns his attention to the similarities between the splendor of nature reared upon the earth for so long and the formative beauty of the space industry, the pinnacle of civilization created by human hands. The result seems to almost be commanding overview of the Earth from the two seemingly opposite viewpoints of land and space. Mikiya Takimoto has also shown his skill in advertising photography and commercial film through numerous posters and videos that still brim with keen and original concepts despite many restrictions. Mikiya Takimoto also drew upon his experiences in photo and film, along with his perspective as an expressionist, to create a unique cinematic world as the cinematographer of the films “Like Father, Like Son/Soshite Chichininaru” and “Our Little Sister/Umimachi Diary” and "The Third Murder/Sandome no Satsujin"
写真家 / 1974年愛知県生まれ。94年より藤井保氏に師事。98年に写真家として独立し、瀧本幹也写真事務所を設立。広告写真をはじめ、グラフィック、エディトリアル、自身の作品制作活動、コマーシャルフィルム、映画など幅広い分野の撮影を手がける。主な作品集に『LAND SPACE』(13)『LOUIS VUITTON FOREST』(11)『SIGHTSEEING』(07)『BAUHAUS DESSAU ∴ MIKIYA TAKIMOTO』(05)『CROSSOVER』(18)などがある。また12年からは映画の撮影にも取り組む。自身初となる『そして父になる』(是枝裕和監督作品)では第66回カンヌ国際映画祭コンペティション部門審査員賞を受賞。15年には『海街diary』で第39回日本アカデミー賞最優秀撮影賞を受賞。17年『三度目の殺人』第74回ヴェネツィア国際映画祭コンペティション部門。東京ADC賞、ニューヨーク ADC賞 GOLD、カンヌライオンズ国際広告祭 GOLD、ACC グランプリ、朝日広告賞グランプリ、日経広告賞グランプリ、ニューヨーク CLIO AWARDS GOLD、ロンドン D&AD YELLOW PENCILなど、国内外での受賞歴多数。
91年16歳で写真の世界に入る。92年上京しスタジオ勤務を経て、94年より藤井保氏に4年間師事。98年に23歳で独立した。これまで手がけてきた作品から伝わるのは、当時も今も変わらない写真という世界への向き合う姿勢である。作品『BAUHAUS DESSAU ∴ MIKIYA TAKIMOTO』では、現代デザインの基となったドイツの造形学校バウハウス・デッサウを、当校が生み出した抽象絵画のような独特な視点で捉えた。またライフワークとして取り組んできた『SIGHTSEEING』では世界7大陸を巡り、観光地とそこに訪れ群がる人々をテーマに、“観光”というリアルななかに漂う非現実的な世界をシニカルにあぶり出し、現実社会のゆがみをも想起させる作品を生み出した。さらに『LAND SPACE』では長きにわたりこの大地に育まれてきた自然の壮大さと、人類の手によって生み出された先端文明である宇宙産業の造形美との相似形に着目し「LAND」「SPACE」という一見対極に見えるふたつの視点から、なぜか地球を俯瞰しているかのごとき感覚を与えた。また広告写真やコマーシャルフィルムでは、いかなる制約のなかでも鋭敏かつオリジナリティあふれる発想力で数々のポスターや映像を生み出し、その手腕を発揮した。そんな写真と映像で培った豊富な経験と表現者としての視点を見いだされ、映画『そして父になる』『海街diary』『三度目の殺人』では撮影監督を務め、独自の映像世界をつくり出した。
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